Price list

  • 1. Doctor visit

    50.00 EUR

  • 2. Acute, but not an urgent visit on the same day

    55.00 EUR

  • 3. Visit of a resident doctor

    40.00 EUR

  • 4. Small doctor visit

    25.00 EUR

  • 5. Sanitary kit*

    5.00 - 10.00 EUR

  • 6. Midwives visit during pregnancy observation period*

    25.00 EUR

  • 7. Physiotherapist consultation

    25.00 EUR

  • 8. Prenatal individual preparation lesson

    35.00 EUR

  • 9. Prenatal preparation in a group

    25.00 EUR

  • 10. Medical gymnastics, gymnastics for pregnant women, postpartum gymnastics with physiotherapist

    20.00 EUR

  • 11. Infant gymnastics with physiotherapist

    20.00 EUR

  • 12. KTG (cardiotocography - fetal heart rate electronic record, evaluation)

    20.00 EUR

  • 13. Fetus Dopplerography

    5.00 EUR

  • 14. Recipes from the outpatient / pregnant card prescription, outside working hours

    5.00 EUR

  • 15. Ovulation, pregnancy express test

    8.00 EUR

  • 16. Oncocytological smear / smear from genitals taking

    10.00 EUR

  • 17. Swabs from the rectum taking

    8.00 EUR

  • 18. Material taking for bacteriological, histological examinations, STD

    10.00 EUR

  • 19. Schiller probe

    10.00 EUR

  • 20. Vaginal and cervical medical treatment

    10.00 EUR

  • 21. External genital, vaginal, cervical biopsy material taking, preparation

    20.00 EUR

  • 22. Uterine cavity aspirate taking with / without cervical dilation

    20.00 EUR

  • 23. Vaginal foreign body removal

    20.00 EUR

  • 24. USG gynecological T / vag or T / abd and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy*

    45.00 EUR

  • 25. USG for pregnant woman after 12 weeks*

    50.00 EUR

  • 26. 1st or 2nd trimester organ screening USG*

    55.00 EUR

  • 27. 1st trimester genetic risk recalculation after FMF protocol

    60.00 EUR

  • 28. USG for pregnant women with doppler examination (up to 2 blood-vessel examination)

    60.00 EUR

  • 29. USG with contrast agent for tubal patency diagnosis (including one-off catheters, solutions)

    100.00 EUR

  • 30. USG with saline for tubal patency diagnosis (including one-off catheters, solutions)

    65.00 EUR

  • 31. Bladder catheterisation with a single catheter

    5.00 EUR

  • 32. Postoperative etc. wound control, bandaging, thread withdrawal

    10.00 EUR

  • 33. Blood removal with vacutainer

    5.00 EUR

  • 34. Urine analysis with a strip

    5.00 EUR

  • 35. Injection subcutaneously, intramuscularly

    5.00 EUR

  • 36. Vaccination (excluding the cost of the vaccine)

    5.00 EUR

  • 37. I/v infusion imposition, monitoring

    15.00 - 45.00 EUR

  • 38. IUD insertion, withdrawal

    30.00 EUR

  • 39. removal with hook, curette (including cervical dilatation, disinfectant)

    30.00 EUR

  • 40. Handling training

    20.00 EUR

  • 41. Kinesiologic taping

    10.00 - 20.00 EUR

  • 42. Laboratory tests

    according to E.Gulbja laboratory price list

*Sanitary set (5.00 EUR - prenatal care, preventive inspection, 10.00 EUR-IUS input)
*Midwives visit during pregnancy observation period (if the doctor during visit is called to childbirth)
*For pregnant women whose pregnancy all the time is under ''Auxilia Prima'' obstetricians care, this USG service price 30.00EUR

At our medical practice is also available state paid maternity care (contract No.1-2725- 2012 since October 25, 2012).
About the contractual terms please call our office administrator- midwife Daiga Bunka or the administrator.